Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Today I...

Today I went to the land of robot unicorns and challenged them to a game of chess. If they choose to accept...

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Today I...

Today I ate an crunchy apple and had a hot chocolate at lunch. I then jumped on my metallic blue and white Harley Davidson and rode to the park. Their I parked my motor bike and run into  the circus tent. I was greeted warmly and joined the rest of the circus for lunch. For lunch we ate fried potato with sausages and tomato sauce. once we had lunch we warmed up and practice for the evenings performance. What a fun day.
The thrill of the circus and performing with all the other awesome circus folk and sitting round a camp fire at the end of the night singing songs, playing the guitar and roasting marshmallows.